April 8, 2011

One Month

Tomorrow will be one month until Miles' due date! It's so crazy to think that we will be meeting him so soon. I am so ready to meet him and so ready to not be pregnant anymore. I feel like all I remember is me being pregnant. Although time has flown in some aspects, I feel like I have been pregnant forever! I don't mean to complain but it is the truth. I am not one of those lucky women (like my mom) who just absolutely loved being pregnant and didn't have any problems with it. Maybe the next pregnancy will be different. People have told me (and warned Carson) that the last month is the most miserable so I am totally looking forward to that- NOT! Ok, enough complaining from this tired, cranky pregnant woman. Here are some pictures to enjoy.

Here I am at 35 weeks. I think my smile gets a litte more fake every time we take one of the photos.

Carson's dad built us a co-sleeper. The bedding just arrived for it so now it's all made up and ready for Miles.

Sitting in our glider in the nursery tonight I took some random up close shots of different aspects of the nursery. Enjoy some of these detailed shots. Final pictures of entire room still to come.

Wubanub pacifier- I love this little puppy. Someone said that this should make it easier for the dogs to be able to pull the paci out of his mouth. Oops!

We got some Winnie the Pooh wall hangings to go over the crib that are so precious. Here is Roo. He is just one of the five characters hanging on the wall.

Boo Boo Bunny. Comes with a reusable ice cube to soothe boo boos. I had one of these guys when I was little. I was so happy to find them when I was registering and blessed to receive it as a gift.

These are the monogrammed drawer pulls we had made for some of the drawers on the crib. I love how they turned out.

Cute little baby sandals. From my experience babies just love to kick these off, but it will be cute while they last.

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