March 21, 2011

In the home stretch

I am now 33 weeks along and as it gets harder to breathe as Miles grows, we are getting very excited about meeting him soon. I thought I would freak out when I hit 30 weeks but instead I became very excited about the fact that I'm going to be a mom soon! I have spent the last 12 years of my life babysitting and playing with other peoples children, but soon, God will bless us with a little boy that he has entrusted to us! That thought just thrills me!

We have almost completed our pregnancy classes and I am feeling much more prepared on what to expect. I used to be scared of labor because I handle pain very poorly but it's the means to an end. It's what has to happen to welcome little Miles into the world and at the end, I won't care about the pain he caused me as I'm holding him in my arms.

I have just a few more day left working at Hallmark and then I will be home to fully concentrate on getting things ready for him and to get as much rest as I can.

Here are the latest pregnancy photos:

31 weeks

33 Weeks. A few notes about this photo. Not to point out my flaws but yes, my eyes look very tired. This baby is wearing me out! I am getting very tired very quickly these days. Also, Miles wanted to be a part of this photo. He was kicking my bottom hand the whole time!

March 20, 2011

Playing catch up once again

I have desperately been wanting to sit down and update this blog about all the happenings in our life but just have not had the time to make sitting at the computer a priority. So I'm staying up late tonight to at least say that I haven't forgotten about my faithful readers. We have had a very exciting time lately. I have been doing some traveling since pretty soon I won't be able to for a while. I went to visit my grammy recently in Alabama and we had a great weekend spending time together. We rarely get one on one time any more because normally I have hubby or one of the puppies with me so it was a special time. A few weekends later I traveled home to Orlando for some baby showers (pictures to come soon as soon as Carson can edit them for me). Ever since I returned from Orlando and recovered from the sleep deprivation I have really been focusing on getting things ready for Miles' arrival. Each weekend I have different projects lined up for Carson to help me with. Poor guy never gets a break! Two weekends ago we started our square foot garden (more to come in a later post) and this weekend we pretty much rearranged the entire house preparing for all of the nursery furniture coming up next weekend! Things are getting accomplished here but there still seems to be so much to do!

Our most exciting news (or sad if you are Carson) is that we said good bye to the beloved Jeep this weekend. We found a private buyer without even looking and before you know it we were one car down and I had a very sad husband on my hands. We are on to a better, more family friendly (and fuel efficient) car now and I'm sure I'll have picture of that to share as well as soon as we find the right car.

So there is very brief update on our life. Hopefully I can get the other post I mentioned up soon.

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