November 13, 2011

6 Months

Miles is now half a year old! He is growing so much and changing every day! Here is his 6th month Pooh picture and stats

Length: 28 inches/ 90 percentile
Weight: 16 lbs/ 20 percentile
Head: 17 inches/ 65 percentile

The doctor is going to watch his weight because there is not a significant gain from his 4 month checkup. But it could just be he's skinny like his daddy who was always in the 10th percentile. The doctor also said it's normal to not gain a lot during this time because he is working so hard growing. Miles does like to work. He is always trying to get to the next stage. He is sitting very well now and is up on his hands and knees ready to crawl. He is such a joy to be around. His smile lights up the room! Carson and I have a hard time getting anything done because we just want to sit and play with him and look at his adorable facial expressions.

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