May 20, 2013

Jordan's Seventh Month Photos

I cannot believe Juju is 7 months old!  That seems like such a large number to me!  She is growing so much and she is really starting to talk. She babbles all of the time, but today she said "mama"(!!)  twice, and I have a witness!  "Dada" wasn't far behind tonight after dinner when Carson was playing with her.  Having a girl is so different than a boy. It's hard to describe how they are different, but both are uniquely special. Jordan is a very stable sitter now and still working on trying to crawl.  Her weight is kind of holding steady at around 15 lbs as she learns how to be more physically active.  She has her two bottom teeth and it won't be long before the top two make their appearance. She sure does have attitude though!  It's cute at this age, check back with me during the toddler years!

Here is her 6th month photo

1 comment:

  1. I just saw this last pic. I can't believe how much it resembles a picture of me at around 6 months that hangs in our bedroom alongside Dave's six month pic. Even the pose is almost the same.



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