February 20, 2012

9 Months

9 Months. I can't believe my baby boy is 9 months! He has learned so many new "tricks" this month. I feel like it all happened at the same time. He is crawling on his hands and knees now, pulling up (on everything!), walking when we hold his hands, starting to eat solid foods with his purees, and trying his hardest to talk. He says mama and dada but no meaning to it yet. It's just dadadadadada, but he's learning the sounds! Gigi and Pops also taught him to raise his arms up when we ask if he's a big boy. And if you're lucky, you can get him to wave at you!

Stats at his 9 month checkup:
Length: 29 1/2"; 90th percentile
Weight: 18 lbs 6 oz; 27th percentile
Head: 18"; 72nd percentile


  1. Can't wait to catch up with y'all soon! You're rockin' the "old man" shirt Miles! love it! :)

  2. ooops, I'm in Jon's account! that was really emily!! haha


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